The Inertia project is an archive-based project that I started in 2009. This project began when I photographed people around me because of the challenging political and social experiences that had affected Iranian society in those years. These events coincided with the formation of the “Green Movement” in Iran. A movement that sought fundamental reforms in the country’s political structure. At that time, the daily life of each person I met became more and more important to me. I was a student at the Tehran University of Art, and the university was one of the most important bases of social and political protests. Therefore, the project’s main body includes photographs of students at the University of Arts. People whom I saw every day and as if I lived with them.
This approach and project continued throughout these years in various forms. The evidential aspect of these images and their archival nature are more important to me than their artistic aspect. This archive is a part of the spirit of the times that my generation and I have experienced. The series of the events and circumstances that happened has left a significant impact on the time we live in. Meanwhile, we are witnessing the continuation of fundamental changes in the power structures in Iran. Today’s events are not only about today. There has been a continuous aspiration to change and improve human civilization throughout history. This is an archive about the lives of others who were and are important and may not be alive now.